Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Feng Shui Career Area

Posted on 31. Mar, 2013 by admin in Feng Shui Career, Feng Shui Tips

Feng Shui Career Area XS1 300x200 Feng Shui For Your Career AreaI consider myself very fortunate that I have a career that I love. As a Feng Shui Consultant, Life Style/Career Coach and occasional Writer I spend my working life doing exactly what I want to do. For me I have the perfect work life balance because work never feels like work, it just feels like I am doing exactly what I am meant to be doing with my life.

It hasn?t always been like this though. Whilst I can?t claim to have ever had a career that I have hated, I have worked in roles which didn?t feel right. In my corporate career I was first of all in sales, then learning and development and finally recruitment and though there were aspects that I liked there were also bits that I didn?t like very much. Fortunately, having studied Feng Shui, I was able to make changes to my life which allowed me to utilise the part of the jobs I loved, coaching and training, and incorporate them in to a completely new career.

Everybody can change their life. All it takes is to balance your own internal energies, thoughts and emotions with the energy in your environment to bring about positive change. And if changing your life for you means a whole new career there are simple things that you can do in your home to strengthen the energy in your career area to give you a head start.

First of all let us look at where the career area in your home is:

The career area is the area in your home that faces north. This includes those rooms that are in the northern segment of your home and those areas in every room that face north. Energy in the north, career energy, is supported by water which itself is represented by glass, crystal, free flowing shapes and the colors black and blue. Ensure that you have some of these objects or colors in each of the areas in the north of your home.

Once you have identified the career areas in your home follow these Feng Shui tips to strengthen the energy.

Feng Shui Career Tip 1

Place pictures incorporating moving water in these areas. Pictures of oceans, rivers and waterfalls are especially beneficial as they give the impression of bringing you career success. Place pictures in silver metal frames as metal supports water in the cycle of elements.

Feng Shui Career Tip 2

Place circular or irregular shaped mirrors in your career area. As well as representing glass, mirrors have the added advantage of reflecting your thoughts. Whenever you look in the mirror focus on your career goals and aspirations to let the universe know what you want out of life

Feng Shui Career Tip 3

Place a lamp with metal or glass base in the career area of your home. The metal or glass will help strengthen career energy and the light will illuminate your thoughts and aspirations for your career. Try and buy a lampshade that is colored blue, black or dark grey.

Feng Shui Career Tip 4

Put a small glass bowl filled with crystals in the career area. Great crystals for career success are Lapis Lazuli, Smoky Quartz, Hematite and Jet.

Feng Shui Career Tip 5

Remember your garden is part of your home and should never be neglected when enhancing the energy in your environment. In the northern most segment of your garden plant evergreen shrubs for continued growth in your career and Narcissus as these are considered fortunate if you are looking for a new job.

Once you have finished strengthening the energy in the career area of your home, check your home for problems that may hinder your career fortunes.

Clear the clutter. In general clutter in the home is poor for energy, but for career energy it can be particularly damaging leading to unstructured thoughts, career disappointments and contracts that do not last very long.

Ensure the entrance to your home is welcoming. A shabby front door and a weed strewn path will prevent good fortune from entering your home. No matter how good you are at your job you will still need that lucky break that good fortune brings once in a while.

Ensure that water is minimised in the south area of your home. The south of your home is the area that supports your self confidence and self esteem, vital if you are looking for a new career. Too much water in this area can be damaging so if you have bathrooms or toilets located here ensure that you decorate these with warm accessories such as towels and rugs in reds and oranges.

I hope that this blog post has given you some tips for how to strengthen the career energy in your home to help your career success. Remember we all deserve to live the life we really want to live.

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Tags: feng shui career, feng shui career area, feng shui career cures, feng shui career tips, fengshui career, fengshui career area, fengshui career cures, fengshui career tips

Source: http://www.fengshuiweekly.com/feng-shui-career/feng-shui-for-your-career-area

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