Monday, February 18, 2013

Obama and Ace of Cakes star gives a cake for same sex wedding

by JerryM | February 17, 2013 at 07:16 pm

Congressman Rush Holt, a physicist by profession, gave a speech praising Charles Darwin on his birthday, February 12th. Strangely, Congressman Holt is not on the House Science Committee but Congrassman Broun is on it. Broun by the way, stated that evolution, embryology and Big Bang theory, are "lies straight from the pits of Hell."

So on the one hand we have maybe the most scientific literate member ever in the halls of Congress not on such a key committee, and on the other hand a man who thinks that a Satan is putting fake dinosaurs bones in the ground.

President Obama stated about gays in the military during his State of the Union address: "We will ensure equal treatment for all service members, and equal benefits for their families ? gay and straight." It goes without saying that if Mitt Romney was giving this speech, this would have been a much different message.

A church in rural Indiana was considering have a private prom that would ban gay couples. This is their right of course, but even in rural Indiana there is a backlash. Until quite recently, in parts of the South, there were private proms in order to allow discrimination against African Americans, or interracial couples. Times change of course, but there are always some that fear it.

Ace of Cakes star Duff Goldman is offering a free cake to a lesbian couple in Oregon who were discriminated against by a Christian baker. Now, one can argue that there should be a right to refuse service to people who you don't like, but if so, would Christians evangelicals be fine with a gay business owner who refused service to them? Probably not, and the law protects the religious, so should it not protect those who happen to be gay? After all, homosexuality is not a choice, though religion is in fact.

A woman who was a supposed witch was tortured and burned alive in New Guinea. This part of the world is unfortunately not known for having many members with humanist beliefs, such as Sweden or the Netherlands. It is a land held hostage to religious superstition and dogma. New Guinea is like how the West was 500 years ago when women were burned as witches. Thankfully we moved on from that thanks to the Enlightenment.

Finally, Megan Phelps-Roper and her younger sister, Grace Phelps-Roper have left the Westboro Baptist church of Fred Phelps. You know, the guy who protests military funerals holding signs that say "God hates f-gs."

Phelp's bitter hatred of gays makes you wonder just how much he is repressing. Phelps represents a Christianity that was quite common back in the Middle Ages. A Christianity built on fear and hatred of certain groups, be it supposed witches, Jews, gays and various non-believers.

By the way, Nathan Phelps is one of four children of Fred Phelps who left the church as young adults.It must be really hard to have grown up in such an environment, my parents on the other hand were very secular and liberal, so what Nathan and his siblings had to go through, must have truly hellish. I applaud all those who managed to leave such a mad man behind.


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